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Is a holistic Ayurveda/Ayantra/Tantric beauty care wellness basis coordination and combination,

Beauty care treatment individually tailored to you,

which begins & is prepared with nurturing ceremonial washes, sea salt peelings, Royal Plus herbal & mineral deacidification base bath (which frees the body from burdens & optimally prepares it for the nurturing massage), meridian shower brush or peeling massage,
for the treatment with the attunement of the Indian Chakra Tuning Singing Bowls for gentle regulation
of cell memory & the
  Meridian reflexology, cupping massage, myofascial body work, lymphatic drainage, the atman - spirit in the body energy -
is stimulated & flows together in classical harmony in a continuous experience of all senses of holistic harmony in the equilibrium.
It not only has a liberating effect, but also renews and is essential for a healthy balance and joie de vivre

physically, mentally, psychologically, mentally, meditatively deeply effective. The soul relaxes in harmony with the mind and body.


A harmonious short break for body, mind & soul! :-)

With this treatment you are PASSIVE and simply enjoy the loving care of your skin, attention to care, touches and gentle caresses on your unique inner and outer skin  level of your largest sense organ  "SKIN".



Tantric beauty care
Experienced art symphony on the body,
to feel, perceive and balance your own body mind melody as required, as well as in consultation with what is pleasantly felt.
Attention should be directed to yourself during treatment.

The Indian Temple Deva is clothed and not touched.
Her actions are meditatively focused on you.








  (A coordination with something from many carers, also as a day SPA workshop, or
one and a half to 3 hours bookable)


Your personal date preparation experience can be individually designed in a variety of ways.

Ayantra is for him or her as a couple who want to treat themselves to a passively inspiring holistic beauty wellness break.

Ayantra wellness requires time to experience quality and can be designed in as many beautiful ways as there are stars to be discovered in the sky.








length of time
   60   min €120,-
   90   €150,-
  120   min €180,-
  150   Minimum €210, -
   180   Minimum €240,-

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the meaning:

AYANTRA consists of

Ayur -(the healthy life)  &
Veda -(the knowledge of healthy life, connections of creation/study of life, of all life, meaning & connections - also those of the botany & the benefit for our equilibrium in balance well, diverse &
  balanced informed)

Tan -(Macro-Cosmically Interwoven Consciousness, Action, Experience, Understand, Expand, Expand in Harmony-)
Tra -(Micro-Cosmic

interwoven fabric (which becomes tan - doing in harmony -), understanding, order & function  in harmony)

the study of All Life in Balance

Awareness of body, mind, soul & the principles of balance
from the micro-macro cosmic balance in the actual state of the reality of life, the recognition, care or maintenance of the healthy, or
to harmonize

or the study of the balance of harmony of the micro-macrocosm The creation of inhalation and exhalation is an ongoing one in every moment in every phase of life, every living being - every fiber of life.  







Namaste -
I respect the divine in you
(from Sanskrit - ancient Indian teachings)
& respect the divine in it -
Life is always
to be treated with respect.
Because each teaches us something from ourselves or else
to understand the whole.


The word cosmetics
(maintain, maintain, arrange,

adorn, adorn, honor, respect, protect, protect membrane preserved over a functioning organ or system...)
derives from the word COSMOS,
(Cosmos - organism, system, body, world
as a whole in a healthy balance)

cosmos a certain kind of order to get the healthy balance.
It is the cosmetic's task to
the maintenance, care, restoration or improvement of the order thereof
harmonic function -
in our case of the human body via the skin,
where you always want to feel good.

(Then there is also room or
  Garden, cosmetics or keep order such as. the healthy life of the plants in a garden or forest care, healthy earth and soil care, which we need to keep our lives healthy physically, mentally inside and outside, because everything is reflected in our health - including mental health - that of feeling
eg when life has to breathe around itself in truth
to be able to earth!
But we also share this place on earth with others
living beings with each other
& here, too, harmonious communication or the understanding of lifelong learning takes place at best
Experience &
  experience instead
reflected in a healthy symphony.


a combination of
holistic meditative

Ayurvedic Balance Care &
Tantric beauty care wellness,
that serves the well-being of people in a holistic way.
Here the whole body - the whole person with all their facets is cared for but not irritated.
The well-groomed one is passive and enjoys the attention of body care and can switch off and be inspired
& relax.



Ayurveda: The origin of Ayurveda can be found in the ancient Vedic culture of ancient India
thousands of years ago


Ayus (live)
Veda (knowledge or teaching)

The knowledge of the balance
the Doshas -(consisting of the 5 elements
& the energies
that of maintaining a balanced, healthy long life for plants, insects,
Animal & Human - serves


Ayurveda The knowledge of maintaining a healthy balance of harmony - metabolism cleansing processes & tissue care inside and outside, cleansing inside and out, massages, spiritual studies, yoga and meditation practices, the knowledge of plants, plant nutrients and their effects on life, to physically, mentally & spiritually

to be in harmony with nature

LIFE is an element of nature,
a unity of body, senses, mind and soul.
Also the understanding of the soul of Mother Earth, the earthlings
(Animals, Beneficial Insects) & Botany, an ongoing study.
Just for the health, nutrients & care of our tissues or our skin - inside and outside it requires knowledge about the use of plants, herbs, leaves &
  Blossoms ....


Tan (sanskrit: cosmos (micro/macro, composition - mental as well as physical, expanding, continuum)
Tra (woven fabric in a certain way as well as function, context
  to understand)

The Universal Art of the Creatively Arranged ("unus versus") Universe "Micro in Macrocosm"

(Membrane over Function) Is the creative art in Empathy Harmony & Balance of sensitizing the interwoven fabrics of the Cerebration (conscious thinking mind) of the spirit to advance the path for the holistic spiritual development of consciousness....perceiving, understanding the micro macrocosm to make your own body noticeable during a lovingly caring, sensual, meditative massage,

and their connections holistically on the

mental/spiritual, subtle, psychosomatic meridian and physical level,

in all its connections of the past, the present

and the constantly changing state due to positive experiences in the next few moments,

influenced by all
which we feel and experience or have experienced pleasantly or joyfully on each of these levels.

All that we thought, took and with which we nourished, experienced &  have maintained
but also everything that we lack, emotions, sensations, lack of grounding, rooted in nutrient-rich soil enriched with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, plant secondary substances, the light, the aura as light beings which we originally are ... in loving experience ..... ..
Metabolism & stardust, from botany, from the garden of Mother Earth -

precisely what we are made of and not to disregard the feelings
"the experienced love",
Sensations, affection, attention
  that we have received, that we attract through our state of mind.

It is important to always understand this life, to maintain it, to keep it healthy in balance, to experience it together and the cosmic connections in empathy

to understand and be understood in order to deepen and cultivate understanding in becoming conscious.

tantric  Beauty care & cleansing rituals on a physical, mental and spiritual level are essential. 5000 years ago in the temple gardens these were studied by the Devas in meditation......
before that, a cleansing, soothing, holistically caring & sensory nourishing tantric beauty care massage to balance the doshas or energy as much as possible,
to prepare for the meditative Spiritual Path .......

That's how nature does it
All living things on earth
Colourful, feathered, patterned, with original expressions that stimulate your inner imagination to be the way life is....



I respect the divine `InYou`


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